Photo by Audrey Matos

Friday, March 23, 2012

St. Joseph and St. Andre Bessett

I am convinced that when we are willing to conform our will to the Will of God we are also allowing ourselves to see the many graces and gifts that God gives us all the time, and which we usually take for granted or (worse) pass off as coincidence or luck. 

I love to wonder at the many little miracles that I experience every day.  There are so many answers to prayers that I see that I could hardly document them all!  I would like to tell you about a miracle my husband and I have recently received in an answer to our prayers about his job.  He is now working in archives at the archdiocese and he LOVES it!  He loved his old job too, but it was only part time.  We are so grateful for the wonderful people he worked with these last four years.  His new job suits him so well and is basically his dream job.

This is how it took place.  We had heard of St. Andre Bessett, who was a Canadian brother of the Holy Cross order who, through prayers and example, led so many to a devotion to St. Joseph.  St. Joseph the worker is the patron saint of fathers and especially helps families (as he did the holy family).  We asked in a special novena (9 day prayer) that our family would be taken care of financially and spiritually (I especially asked for peace on the matter). We started the novena on the feast day of St. Andre and sure enough I was  granted peace (not an easy thing for me) and soon after, we learned of the job opening - not only was my husband able to get the job but his start date (which was bumped earlier out of necessity to the department) was the 19th - the feast of St. Joseph!

I want to remind everyone that we are here to help each other get to know and love our Lord more.  When we are gone from this earth this doesn't change, in fact it is stronger.  We ask each other here on earth to pray for one another and we believe in eternal life so doesn't it make sense that we will continue to do this in Heaven? - Those souls in Heaven can (and desire) to continue to pray for us.  Don't forget to ask these friends for help!  They love to pray to God because they know His power and might - for they see Him face to face! Above all, trust in Jesus in EVERYTHING!  Consider the lillies of the field, they toil not, neither do they spin, and yet Solomon in all his glory was not clothed as one of these! How gracious God is to us and how abundant are His gifts!

St. Andre and St. Joseph, Pray for us!

1 comment:

  1. I'm tearing up reading this post Mikki! Thank you for your heart and spirit filled words. You are such a wonderful example to me of trusting Jesus. I needed that reminder!
